(*: by using the website
1. (Vacancy No. 22081501213) Two vacancies for the post of Assistant Director
(Regulations & Information), Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of
Civil Aviation (OBC-01, UR-01). The vacancies are suitable for candidates belonging to
category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Blindness and Low Vision
with disability i.e. Blind (B) or Low Vision (LV), Locomotor Disability including
Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular
Dystrophy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but not arms (BL) or Both arms
affected (BA) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or
One leg and One arm affected (OLA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) or Dwarfism (DW) or
Acid Attack Victims (AAV) or Muscular Dystrophy (MDy), Autism, Intellectual
Disability, Specific Learning Disability and Mental Illness with disability i.e. Specific
Learning Disability (SLD), Multiple disabilities (MD) i.e. at least two disabilities from the
sub-categories of the disabilities indicated above including deaf- blindness. The post is
permanent. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). Pay Scale:
Level- 11 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. Age: 40 years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS:
(A) EDUCATIONAL: Degree in law from a recognized university; and (B) EXPERIENCE:
Seven years’ working experience of dealing with legal aspects of Civil Aviation. DESIRABLE:
At least one year experience of dealing with economic aspects of Civil Aviation. NOTE: The
Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for
reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES:
The duties require making proposals for amendment in the aircraft Act, 1934 and Aircraft
Rules, 1937. Review of international conventions and protocols relating to civil aviation.
Examination of matters pertaining to aviation law, international law, international conventions,
etc. Preparation of briefs for air services agreements and for defending Central Government in
various courts, on civil aviation matters. Examination of schedules of foreign airlines. HQ:
DGCA HQ, New Delhi with All India Service Liability. Any Other Condition: The newly
inducted officers shall be provided an induction training for a period of minimum two weeks to
enable officers to get a general understanding about the organisation, its vision and mission
and acquire necessary competency required for performing their job. After completion of initial
induction training, the newly inducted officers will be provided on the job training to enable
them to handle their responsibility independently.
2. (Vacancy No. 22081502213) Four vacancies for the post of Deputy Director of
Flying Training, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation
(OBC-01, UR-03). The vacancies are suitable for candidates belonging to category of Persons
with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy,
Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e.
Leprosy Cured (LC) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV). The post ispermanent. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level-
12 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC. Age: 50 years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A)
EDUCATIONAL: (a) 10+2 with Physics and Mathematics as subjects from a
recognised Board; and (b) Licenses and ratings:- (i) Valid Air Transport Pilot
Licence or Commercial Pilot Licence with Instrumental Rating; (ii) Valid Flight
Instructor Rating; (iii) Open rating on Commercial Pilot Licence on aeroplanes
having an all-up-weight not exceeding 1500 Kilogram; and (iv) Multi Engine
endorsement of atleast two aeroplanes below 5700 Kilogram on Commercial Pilot
Licence; and (B) EXPERIENCE: (a) Flying Experience with Commercial Pilot License
or Instrumental Rating:- (i) Total- 2500 hours; (ii) Solo or Pilot In Command-2000
hours; (iii) Instructional-1500 hours; (iv) Instructional Night- 30 hours; (v) Total
Night- 60 hours; (vi) Instrument Flight time- 60 hours; (vii) Solo release- 10
students; (viii) Multi Engine Flying Experience-50 hours Pilot In Command; OR (b)
Flying Experience with Air Transport Pilot Licence with Open rating<5700
Kilogram:- (i) Total- 2200 hours; (ii) Solo or Pilot In Command- 1500 hours; (iii)
Instructional- 500 hours; (iv) Instructional Night- 10 hours; (v) Total Night- 100
hours; (vi) Instrument Flight time- 100 hours; (vii) Solo release-5 students in Civil or
20 students in Defence; (viii) Multi Engine Flying Experience- 50 hours Pilot In
Command; Note.-Certificate for flying experience shall be issued by the competent
authorities approved or authorised under Rule 67A (4) of the Aircraft Rules,1937.
DESIRABLE: (i) Graduation in Science with Physics and Mathematics as subjects
from a recognized University or Institute. (ii)Air Transport Pilot Licence with open
rating on aeroplanes having an all-up-weight not exceeding 5700 Kilogram. NOTE:
The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for
reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES:
(i) To assist the Director of Flying Training in conducting the practical tests for
issue/renewal of AFIR and FIR. (ii) To assist the Director of Flying Training to
conduct the Qualification Checks of PPL/CPL . (iii) To carry out inspection of flying
clubs and suggest means to improve the training standards . (iv) Scrutiny of flying
and gliding progress reports received from the clubs. (v) Issue of circulars,
notifications etc. to enforce adequate training standards in the flying clubs. (vi) To
assist in investigation of cases involving accidents/incidents or violation of rules
concerning flying clubs. HQ: Directorate General of Civil Aviation, opp. Safdarjung Airport,
Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. Any Other Condition: The newly inducted officers shall be
provided an induction training for a period of minimum two weeks to enable officers
to get a general understanding about the organisation, its vision and mission and
acquire necessary competency required for performing their job. After completion of
initial induction training, the newly inducted officers will be provided on the job
training to enable them to handle their responsibility independently.
3. (Vacancy No. 22081503613) One vacancy for the post of Scientific Officer (Non-
Destructive) in National Test House, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of
Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (UR-01). The post is permanent.
General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level- 08 in the
Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC. Age: 30 years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A)
EDUCATIONAL: Master Degree in Physics or Degree in Electrical Engineering or Degree inMechanical Engineering or Metallurgy from a recognized University or Institute. (B)
EXPERIENCE: One year experience in Non-destructive testing laboratory or one year
experience in X-ray diffraction or investigation work on failure Engineering Material by Non-
destructive and metallographic methods of testing. NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at
the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing,
in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES: The responsibilities of Scientific
Officer includes testing and evaluation of concerned laboratory samples and Scientific Officer
will work in connection with the Development of Testing methods for these materials.
Scientific Officer will also be responsible for performing the day to day work of Scientist-B in
his/her absence, including issuing the samples to Scientific Assistant & signing the fair Test
Certificate. HQ: Kolkata. Candidate is liable to serve anywhere in India. Any Other
Condition: Mandatory induction Training of two to four weeks as devised and sponsored by
the National Test House in the field of duties & responsibilities of the post, as part of
4. (Vacancy No. 22081504413) One vacancy for the post of Photographic Officer,
Directorate of Public Relations, Ministry of Defence (OBC-01). The vacancy is suitable for
candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Locomotor
Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and
Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) (OL). The post is
permanent. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level-
07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC. Age: 33* years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A)
EDUCATIONAL: Degree from a recognised university. (B) EXPERIENCE: Two years’
experience in various branches of photography including experience in Press Photography in an
organisation in the field of Print or Audio-Visual media. DESIRABLE: (i) Diploma in
Photography or Motion Picture Photography (Cinematography) from a recognised institution; (ii)
One year’s experience in production of documents films; (iii) One year’s experience in write-ups
on photographic features, published in various magazines. NOTE: The Qualifications are
relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded
in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES: Photography coverage of
activities and events of the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces, anywhere in India. HQ:
DPR/MoD, New Delhi with All India Service Liability.
5. (Vacancy No. 22081505413) One vacancy for the post of Senior Photographic Officer,
Directorate of Public Relations, Ministry of Defence (UR-01). The vacancy is suitable for
candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz.
Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L)
(OL). The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “A” Gazetted (Non-
Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level- 10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. Age: 35 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Degree from a recognised university.
(B) EXPERIENCE: Three years’ experience in various branches of photography including
experience in Press Photography in an organisation in the field of Print or Audio-Visual media.
DESIRABLE: (i) Diploma in Photography or Motion Picture Photography (Cinematography)
from a recognised institution; (ii) One year’s experience in production of documentary films;
(iii) One year’s experience in write-ups on photographic features, published in variousmagazines. NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public
Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates
otherwise well qualified. DUTIES: Photography coverage of activities and events of the
Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces, anywhere in India. HQ: DPR/MoD, New Delhi with All
India Service Liability.
6. (Vacancy No. 22081506213) One vacancy for the post of Junior Scientific Officer
(Physics) in Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Directorate of Forensic Science
Services, Ministry of Home Affairs (UR-01). The vacancy is suitable for candidates
belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz. Blindness and
Low Vision with disability i.e. Blind (B) or Low Vision (LV), Locomotor Disability
including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims and
Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but not arms (BL) or One leg
affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or One leg and One arm
affected (OLA) or Leprosy Cured (LC) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims
(AAV). The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-
Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. Age: 30 years.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Masters Degree in Physics or Applied
Physics or Computer Science or Electronics or Forensic Science with Physics as one of the
subjects during all the three years of Bachelor of Science level from a recognised University
OR Bachelor of Engineering or B. Tech. (Civil or Electrical or Mechanical or Electronics or
Telecommunication or Computer Science or Instrumentation) or Computer Science and
Engineering (CSE) or Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) or Information
Technology or Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE) from a recognised University. (B)
EXPERIENCE: Three years experience in research and analytical work in the field of Physics
in any central and state organisation or recognised institute or university or forensic science
laboratories under Central Government and State Government. DESIRABLE: Experience of
working in a forensic science laboratory. NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the
discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in
the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES: Crime Case Examination, giving
evidences in the Court of Law, Crime Scene Examination, providing guidance to the junior
scientific staff for case analysis, R&D activities on Forensic Science and imparting training in
the respective field of forensic specialization to the trainees from different investigating
agencies / forensic science labs and other organizations. HQ: New Delhi with Laboratory at
Chandigarh, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Kamrup (Assam), Pune & Bhopal. In connection with
performing duties, the officer may be required to serve in any part of India. Any Other
Condition: (i) Leprosy Cured persons are suitable for the post of Junior Scientific Officer
(Physics) subject to the condition that their upper limbs are functioning normally. (ii) Acid
attack victims are suitable for the post of Junior Scientific Officer(Physics) provided that their
vision and hearing have not been impaired.
7. (Vacancy No. 22081507213) One vacancy for the post of Junior Scientific Officer
(Neutron Activation Analysis) in Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Directorate of
Forensic Science Services, Ministry of Home Affairs (OBC-01). The vacancy is suitable
for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) viz.
Blindness and Low Vision with disability i.e. Blind (B) or Low Vision (LV), Deaf andHard of Hearing with disability i.e. Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing (HH), Locomotor
Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims
and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but not arms (BL) or One
leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA) or One leg and One arm
affected (OLA) or Leprosy Cured (LC) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims
(AAV). The post is permanent. General Central Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-
Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix as per 7 th CPC. Age: 33* years.
Associateship diploma of the Institution of Chemist by examination* or Physics or Forensic
Science with Chemistry or Physics as one of the subjects during all the three years of
Bachelor of Science level from a recognised University. Note: *Associateship diploma of the
Institution of Chemist by examination qualification will be applicable only for the departmental
scientists available on the date of notification of the RR (amended). (B) EXPERIENCE: Three
years experience in research and analytical work in the field of Neutron Activation Analysis in
any central and state organisation or recognised institute or university or forensic science
laboratories under Central Government and State Government. DESIRABLE: Experience of
working in a forensic science laboratory. NOTE: The Qualifications are relaxable at the
discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in
the case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DUTIES: Crime Case Examination, giving
evidences in the Court of Law, Crime Scene Examination, providing guidance to the junior
scientific staff for case analysis, R&D activities on Forensic Science and imparting training in
the respective field of forensic specialization to the trainees from different investigating
agencies / forensic science labs and other organizations. HQ: New Delhi with Laboratory at
Pune. In connection with performing his duties the officer may be required to serve in any part
of India. Any Other Condition: (i) Leprosy Cured persons are suitable for the post of Junior
Scientific Officer (Neutron Activation Analysis) subject to the condition that their upper limbs
are functioning normally. (ii) Acid attack victims are suitable for the post of Junior Scientific
Officer (Neutron Activation Analysis) provided that their vision and hearing have not been
8. (Vacancy No. 22081508413) Twenty-two vacancies for the post of Senior Grade of
Indian Information Service, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (SC-03, ST-01,
OBC-05, EWS-02, UR-11) (PwBD-01)*. *Of the twenty-two vacancies, one vacancy is
reserved for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD)
viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but not
arms (BL) or Both arms affected (BA) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm
affected (R or L) (OA) or Stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop) (BH) or Both legs
and both arms affected (BLA) or One leg and One arm affected (OLA) or Both Legs
and One Arm affected (BLOA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) or Leprosy Cured (LC) or
Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV) and Muscular Dystrophy (MDy). The
vacancies are also suitable for candidates belonging to category of Persons with Benchmark
Disability (PwBD) viz. Blindness and Low Vision with disability i.e. Blind (B) or Low
Vision (LV), Deaf and Hard of Hearing with disability i.e. Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing
(HH), Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid
Attack Victims and Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but notarms (BL) or Both arms affected (BA) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm
affected (R or L) (OA) or Stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop) (BH) or Both legs
and both arms affected (BLA) or One leg and One arm affected (OLA) or Both Legs
and One Arm affected (BLOA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) or Leprosy Cured (LC) or
Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV) or Muscular Dystrophy (MDy), Autism,
Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability and Mental Illness with disability
i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (M = Mild, MoD = Moderate) or Intellectual
Disability (ID) or Specific Learning Disability (SLD) or Mental Illness (MI), Multiple
disabilities (MD) i.e. at least two disabilities from the sub-categories of the disabilities
indicated above including deaf- blindness. The post is permanent. Indian Information
Service Group- “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial). Pay Scale: Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix as per
7 th CPC. Age: 30 years. The recruitment to the above vacancies for the post of Senior Grade
of Indian Information Service, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting is Language based
and the language wise break-up of vacancies are as under:-
Sl. No. Language Vacancies Reserved
1. Hindi 05
2. English 10
3. Telugu 01
4. Bengali 02
5. Tamil 02
6. Kannada 02
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: (i) Degree of a recognized University
or Institute; (ii) Diploma/Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism/Mass Communication from a
recognized University/Institution; or Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from a
recognized University/Institute; (iii) Candidates must have studied concerned Indian
language upto 10 th Class. Note: Direct recruitment to posts in Senior Grade of Indian
Information Service shall be made language-wise. There shall be no category-
wise/community-wise reservation for any of the languages. One can apply for any number
of languages and indicate the same in the ONLINE RECRUITMENT APPLICATION in the
order of preference if he/she has studied that language up to class 10 th
. (B)
EXPERIENCE: Two years’ experience of journalistic, publicity or public relation work in a
Government Department/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Organisation/News agency/
Newspaper registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India/any other Listed Private
Organization. NOTE-I: The Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public
Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates
otherwise well qualified. NOTE-II: The qualification(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at
the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing in
the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes, if at any
stage of selection the Union Public Service Commission, is of the opinion that sufficient
number of candidates from these communities/this community possessing the requisite
experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. DUTIES:
The officers are require to prepare press notes, publicity materials, editorial material and
analysis of Press Comments on current topics, compilation of news bulletins and reporting of
news for broadcasting, monitoring of news bulletins by foreign broadcasting stations.